The Bridging Years: age 5 – 6
The Bridging Years curriculum for our older children revolve around the introduction of more complex, new and varied experiences in the following domains of Language & Literacy, Mathematical Thinking, Environmental Awareness, and Aesthetic & Creative Expression, as well as Motor Development, and Self & Social Awareness. The Final Graduating Year at Cherie Hearts also include getting our children ready for Primary 1.
Highlights from our Bridging Years curriculum include:
Language & Literacy
Cherie Hearts utilises a multitude of activities to facilitate children’s development in this domain. Exercises to improve their language and literacy include identifying beginning and ending sounds, translating spoken words into print and combining letter sounds to form words. Our children’s literacy abilities are further enhanced with fun-filled exercises such as word games to build up their ability to recognize and read more words.
With Cherie Hearts’ curriculum, our children can progress from Kindergarten 1 to Kindergarten 2 very quickly. For example, within a year they can progress from composing one-sentence stories with the guidance of our educators to writing their own stories and poems.
When our children reach their final year of the Bridging Years in Kindergarten 2, our exercises become more advanced, for example, differentiating between letters, words and sentences. While every child’s abilities are being sharpened, our environment at Cherie Hearts remain fun and nurturing.
Mathematical Thinking
By the end of Kindergarten 2, our children would have experienced fun and experiential learning that include sorting, sequencing, graphing, measuring, and number values up to 100. Like our Language and Literacy curriculum, the progress from Kindergarten 1 to K2 can happen quickly. For example, numbers 1-20 are covered in Kindergarten 1, and numbers 1-100 will be covered in Kindergarten 2. The speed at which our curriculum moves is based on our years of experience with children that have proven that at this age, they can pick up learning much faster.
Practical math skills for daily tasks such as estimation, counting money and reading the time are also part of our Cherie Hearts curriculum to support our children navigate everyday living. A comprehensive curriculum that is thoughtfully spread over four terms so that our children can learn at a comfortable pace.
Click on the icons below to learn more about each stage of your child’s developmental journey with Cherie Hearts.