
SPIRAL Literacies Curriculum
The Cherie Hearts SPIRAL Literacies curriculum is inspired by the New London Group academic theory of “Pedagogy of Multi-literacies” which addresses literacy that is relevant to the world today.
Developed in-house, our SPIRAL Literacies curriculum equips children with critical 21st century skills for living and lifelong learning, essentially helping them to adapt to a rapidly changing globalized world.

The following five key components of SPIRAL enhance children’s holistic growth and
helps them experience personal success while developing a joy for learning:
The following five key components of SPIRAL enhance children’s holistic growth and helps them experience personal success while developing a joy for learning:

Critical Literacy
Develops a critical questioning approach in children while honing their creativity the analytical skills.

Financial Literacy
Helps children understand the financial concepts of Save, Spend and share, and how to relate to them in real life.

Digital Literacy
Promotes digital savviness and computational thinking for our children

Environmental Literacy
Promotes an awareness for the environment and a healthy sense of respect for living and non-living things

Civic and Social Literacy
Nurture civic consciousness in children and equipping them with effective communication and social skills.

Multi-literacy elements are weaved into the core curriculum and delivered through a thematic approach. This is planned in progression across all levels from Playgroup to Kindergarten 2, and facilitates continuous learning as each lesson is built upon the previous lesson and the children’s prior knowledge.
Designated time slots are also dedicated to the delivery of each one of the 5 multi-literacies for children in Nursery to Kindergarten 2 for more targeted learning.
Enrichment Programmes
Our centres provide a wide range of enrichment programmes in the afternoon
to encourage children to explore other areas of interest and for holistic development.
Our centres provide a wide range of enrichment programmes in the afternoon to encourage children to explore other areas of interest and for holistic development.

Abacus Mental Mathematics

Magic of Science

Visual Arts



Drama Club
Please check with your preferred centre to enquire on the enrichment classes available.
Fees for enrichment lessons are in addition to the school fees.
Kindly note that enrichment programme options differ at all centres.